Thursday, October 12, 2006


Missing my favorite Islander

Wanted to make a note on behalf of one of the Surtsey Islander, whose Lovecraftian origins of her blog name reveal just how cool a writer she really is:). Tragically, she's been put into a position in which she can't contribute as often as we'd like her to, and until Internet access is properly restored she won't be updating very much.

Hopefully, this will be fixed ASAP--I for one adore her work and want a new fix of her writing as soon as possible .

I'll be posting an update next week, as I'm trying to keep up with graduate responsibilities despite myself. I'll get some new postings on in the next couple of weeks or so, OK?

Hopefully, the Surtsey Islander will be returning soon as well, as her posts make this blog a heck of a lot more fun to read!


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