Monday, August 22, 2005


Random Quiz

1. Your views on violence are:
a. useful
b. a fact of life, agression is inherent in the species
c. the only violence you can stand is fictional
d. violence? Why can't you Americans talk about something more amusing, like sex? Sheesh.

2. Favorite Wilson brother:
a. Luke
b. Owen

3. Feelings about Katie and Tom Cruise?
a. All for it
b. She's brainwashed!
c. Why should I be worried about this? Doesn't someone have a useful story about something else for a change?
d. Who?

4. (For those whose sexual orientation is towards men) Favorite fictional heartthrob:
a. Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights
b. Romeo from the Bard's Romeo and Juliet
c. Atticus Finch from Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird
d. Rochester from Jane Eyre

5. (For those whose sexual orientation is towards men) Favorite fictional heartbreaker)
a. Galatea, from Pygmaillion
b. Juliet, from Romeo and Juliet
c. Isadora Wing from Fear of Flying by Erica Jong
d. Madame Bovary from novel of same name

6. Reaction when discovered Jasper Fforde's The Big Over Easy was finally being put on the shelves of your local bookstore?
a. Who?
b. Who goes to bookstores?
c. Your husband/wife bundles you off in the car first thing and picks up the book, which you both argue over "first reading rights" over an hour about.
d. OK, I'll look in the library for this author. Is he amusing? What is with all those f's, anyway?

7. Most frequent argument with spouse througout entire relationship:
a. concerning exes/fidelity/sex
b. concerning finances
c. Damn, it, I bought the book first and I only went to the bathroom for one whole minute. Won't you at least let me finish the chapter before you take it over?
d. "argument" is too general a term--what kind of argument? A fun, amusing argument or drag down fight?

8. The 1980's:
a. Look, I was only a baby then
b. I still miss them!
c. Sucked
d. Look, it was just a decade, OK?


those who answered a's on everything:
--Wow! You people are the reason I started to study psychology in the first place? You are an endless source of mystery for me, as I do not understand you at all. Please live on, my personal muses.

Those who answered b's on everything: (see a's--you aren't that different)-- however, I got to give you kudos for your choice of Wilson brothers.

Those who answered "b" to the Wilson question and c's to everything else: My goodness, it's official--you're my clone! Do me a favor and email me so we can figure out how to most efficently timeshare responsibilities and stretch out leisure time more effectively.

--c's who answered a to the Wilson brother question--all right we're almost in sync with only a key issue at stake--your taste in men. I'll admit that Luke is cute, but does he make you laugh?

d's--obviously you folks are my buddies--how else would I ever learn anything about the world? Drop me a line and we'll chat. I promise not to bring up Tom or Katie.

Cute, very cute. Hell, you KNOW Owen is the one with the brains. He cowrote all but one of Wes Anderson's films, so he has talent and humor. Just try to ignore that trade rumor that he once spent three hours licking a gal's buttocks. The chafing factor makes me wince!
Glad you liked the quiz! As for that odd rumor about Owen Wilson--well, on the one hand I have the idea that I should give the guy kudos for bothering with foreplay--but I have to ask myself--what was wrong with the girl involved that she didn't just turn over and ask him to do the other side?
No, it wasn't foreplay. He just licked that gal's buttcheeks, nothing else. Hoping that isn't the case, but it isn't like I'll ever have to worry about it!
mmm, the Butterscotch Stallion... ;^) Although I'm with Jacklyn, it's not as if I will ever have to deal with his sexual preferences, so I can just think, "Hey, he's funny and cute and isn't it odd that he has a bumcheek/tongue fetish."

I congratulate anyone who has managed not to hear of the "Tomandkatie" monster. If you find anyone who answered, "Who?" could you please introduce me? Thanks!
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