Friday, September 16, 2005


All right, I'll take up that challenge.

1. I have a basic distrust of most people.
2. I don’t believe in an interventionist God.
3. Libraries are like churches to me.
4. Some characters in books have been better friends to me than anyone.
5. I could read before I could speak.
6. I have never considered myself a great beauty.
7. I’m pretty sure no one else has considered me a great beauty either.
8. The older I get, the more I realize that I have other loveable qualities.
9. I am loyal to my friends.
10. I am generous to my friends.
11. I don’t have many friends.
12. The friends I have are the best friends in the world.
13. I’m glad that I’m growing old, because superficial male attention is pretty boring.
14. I don’t care for my job much.
15. I’m glad that I can have a job and support myself.
16. I am independent in many ways and becoming more independent all the time.
17. I believe in facing the things I most fear, even if I don’t always have the courage to.
18. I prefer to look at asymmetry rather than symmetry.
19. I’ve been diagnosed with a mental illness.
20. I’m constantly told that I think too much for my own good.
21. I like to think about things.
22. Not thinking about things has caused me worlds of hurt.
23. I’ve been really lazy in the past.
24. I’m learning not to be so lazy.
25. The only part of my face I dislike is my large chin cleft.
26. I have a love/hate relationship with faith.
27. I have a love/hate relationship with skepticism.
28. My dreams are often very vivid.
29. My dreams are often very wise.
30. The older I get, the less I like fried food.
31. When you’re self-absorbed, finding fifty things to say about yourself is pretty easy.
32. My favorite good-for-you food is an apple.
33. My favorite foods are bread and ice cream.
34. I eat lots of apples.
35. I don’t eat much bread or ice cream these days.
36. I have a very dry sense of humor.
37. I inherited my sense of humor from my dad.
38. I inherited my intellect from my dad.
39. My sister is smarter than I am.
40. My sister is less compassionate than I am.
41. I inherited my compassion from my mom.
42. I’m an OK writer.
43. I hate writing.
44. I hate television.
45. Most movies bore me.
46. I enjoy painting.
47. I love solving mysteries.
48. I love unsolved mysteries.
49. I love listening to music.
50. I love to laugh.

#31 is of course facetious.
Well done! Since Lynx is the one who knows all of us, I figured this would be the best way to get to know each other well. Oh, and my younger brother is smarter than I am, so I know the feeling of dealing with #39 and #40.
Love your list! Jacklyn's suggestion is good--also, everyone in "the files" should be attending the Halloween bash we're giving in October, so hopefully universes won't disintegrate.
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Oh, yeah--and since I didn't comment on this earlier--I've met your sister and really like her, but I don't know about that "smarter than you" stuff--you're one of the brightest people I've ever met--this is one of the many reasons I tracked you down way back whilst I was studying at the University of Kentucky--your point of view has always been unique and worth hearing! I would argue that you and your sister are equally smart, it's just you both have different specialization areas. Which, thinking of sibling rivalry--there's always a danger that my brother Mike and I will step on each other's toes--we both love to write and have many overlapping skills and this causes some difficulties on occasion--may just be a good thing.
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