Monday, September 19, 2005


Ask Quetzlcoatl

This is me shamelessly sucking up for a cat treat.

Dear Quetzlcoatl,

I am a person at loose ends in his life. I wake up each morning and go to work, but it's like the world has a permanent shade of gray. I can't feel like anything is worthwhile, and I can't bring myself to do anything about it.

What gives?


Feeling Ennui

Ennui Man,

Something struck me about your message. First, not ONCE did you mention the feelings of your owner (feline or canine in nature). This is not a good thing. How can a mere human stand against the "slings and arrows" (nobody realizes this, but it was Shakespeare's cat who was responsible for his masterpieces. Unfortunately, Will had the nerve to remove the most riveting sections of the plays, the ones involving mouse hunting. The literary world suffers still. Sigh.) of the world without moral guidance? Where is the cat or dog who can guide your conduct about life? It's obvious to see what the problem is here.

Get your ass to the nearest Humane society pronto. Oh, and while you're at it, go ahead and make an appointment with a decent doctor who can help you get some of those pills that help humans so much and talk to you about why you can't see obvious solutions to life (such as pet ownership).


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