Thursday, September 22, 2005


Musical Plugs that are Too Deserved

Maybe I'm just abusing the power of being a blogger, but I feel it's a personal responsibility of mine to turn people onto really great musicians in Dayton.

Obviously I adore my husband's band, Low Tech Riff Raff and their link is on the side of this blog. However, there are a couple other folk who deserve your attention and make incredible music:

Emily Strand : It's a good thing I'm happily married--I am in love with this woman and could really embarrass myself otherwise. She's a professor at UD (she deals with Women's Religion) who is doing well in her field and still manages to find time to be an incredible musician. Those lucky enough to be in the Tri-State area can enjoy her concerts at Canal Street, Bogarts (Cincinnati), or even The Trolley Stop. Do yourselves a favor and visit this woman's site and get a sample or two of her music--oh, yeah, and if you like what you see, do yourself a favor and buy a CD or two (we've worn out a couple:).

Eric Loy: man is an incredible guitarist--he makes guitars do things they shouldn't, it sounds incredible, and the guitar actually seems to appreciate the attention.

Jim Volk: Do you like amazing guitarists? Check Jim Volk out. You won't be disappointed.

Sharon Lane: this woman is an institution in Dayton--she's one of the best Blues singers in the Tri-State area. If she gets a website I'll post it--until then, you can bug me or Tony or visit the Lowtech site, and we'll help you contact her. By the way, Sharon Lane took vows and married Tony and I!

Michael Kelsey: Another incredible guitarist who you'd be cheating yourself if you didn't give a listen to. The link is can do a rhythm guitar like nobody's business.

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