Wednesday, September 07, 2005


The Trouble with Butterflies

Cox Arboretum, which houses a structure known only as "the butterfly house", does not allow guests to visit within it after four p.m. Recently, little ten-year-old Timmy recently found out why.

"I told him not to go in there. I told him that the dare was stupid. But he insisted, so I made sure that I got custody of his Game Boy first," his younger brother Stevie insisted. "Now I get to play with all his games whenever I want. Mom and Dad are grief-stricken--but he had cool games!"

Last night, little Timmy accepted a dare so that he could be the top kid of his cub scout pack. It was then that he learned the awful truth about the kinds of butterflies Cox Arboretum tries to hide from the public eye.

" Blood was everywhere!" Mark, a fellow cub scout, insisted. "It was just like one of them movies we sneak around to see. He walked into the tent, all confident like and taking off his cap. Then--only then--did we see them."

"I never knew butterflies were dangerous," Shelby, a nerdy scout said. "I screamed for him to get out, but then the other guys gathered around and beat me up." Shelby still had bandages on his nose from the incident. "All the sudden, he was surrounded, I can still hear his voice screaming, 'I didn't think they had teeth'. I can still hear the beating of their colorful wings!"

Despite a lawsuit brought about by Timmy's parents, Cox Arboretum refuses to acknowledge any liability.

"Look--we said the thing was closed. Did he LISTEN? No. He CHOSE to go in there." One ranger of the park said.

Tune in for further updates!

I wondered what that little room at the back was for... who knew what dread fate we escaped just last Sunday?
Yep--but I've yet to disclose the horrors of the FLESH eating butterflies:)
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