Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Comic Books Worth Your Time

I admit it, I'm a comic book freak. Maybe that's not surprising because I love books and good stories. Why be too picky about the form they take? Before you insult me and proclaim me a poor judge, find out more about me. You can't call me anti-intellectual, because I have IQ tests, published stuff, lots of honors, scholarly papers, and a couple of Master's degrees to prove you wrong!

With that in mind, I decided it's time to recommend a couple of amazing series in the hopes that people will recommend other fantastic work to me:

Current series that I am officially in love with:

1.) Fables by Bill Willingham. This series took my breath away and won a few awards to boot. It's a comic book "soap opera" based upon our beloved fairy tales characters, who have taken over a place deep in New York City as well as a farm in upstate New York because they were exiled from their original magical realms. Do you know that Prince Charming is a character in this story? Do you know that he's a serial womanizer? Oh, and how can anybody ever resist a tale which has the Big Bad Wolf as a vyable romantic lead?

2.) Pulse by Brian Michael Bendis. Before you read this gem, make sure to check out Alias, which is a series starring a "not so good comicbook superhero" named Jessica Jones. Jones realizes that being a superhero isn't for her after she is brainwashed by a supervillan and becomes a private detective instead. She's a remarkable character who is unique in that she's human enough to identify with. Before Bendis came onto the comic book scene, I was strictly a DC and independent comic girl. Bendis has made me reconsider my position.

Some oldies that deserve looking over:
1.) Sandman by Neil Gaiman. In fact, look over ANY comic book series that this man writes for. You will never be disappointed.

2.) Swamp Thing by Alan Moore; League of Extrodinary Gentlemen by Alan Moore; From Hell by Alan Moore, OK, ANYTHING by Alan Moore. Disregard any bad movies based off his stuff (The League of Extrodinary Gentlemen was incredibly bad), take any really good movies to heart (From Hell was exceptional even if it did purposefully try to make the ending happier). This man opened the door for all the people working today whose work I admire.

3.) Oh, and if you do read Sandman, check out Willingham's take on Thessaly--a woman you'd never notice because she strikes you as "too boring" with her owl glasses and brownette appearance. Ha:)

Wednesday? Is that YOU? What's this about you getting HITCHED? Who is this SCALAWAG?

You're STILL a f-ing GEEK. Some things never change. Luckily for you, I happen to like geekiness in a woman.

I'll write you later-

Oh, "Alex", we're ALL geek girls here. We just make it look fashionable, Lynx especially (I could never get away with the pigtail look as well as she does).
You'd look awful fetching in pigtails, Jacklyn!

I'm looking forward to this mysterious letter to my email, Alex. Hope all is well for you!
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