Monday, October 10, 2005


I accept your challenge! (finally)

7 things I plan to do before I die
1.) Learn to bake bread that doesn’t resemble a hockey puck
2.) Finish all the novels/poems/short stories that are in my head
3.) Speak French well enough so that any Francophone who hears me won’t clutch his/her head in pain
4.) Visit Scotland, and see Montreal in the spring one more time
5.) Learn to play one instrument half decently
6.) Learn to can and freeze vegetables as well as my mom could
7.) Stop breathing

7 things I can do right now (sorry, nothing real sexy here):
1.) Summarize the Watergate scandal in a clear and concise fashion
2.) Cross my eyes
3.) Type 65 words per minute with 97% accuracy
4.) Amuse a cat
5.) Speed read
6.) Make the best chocolate chip cookies ever
7.) Be tolerant

7 things I can't do
1.) Have clear skin
2.) Eat enough vegetables
3.) Force people to love me
4.) Slack off at work
5.) Drink a whole beer without gagging
6.) Keep my apartment clean
7.) Learn to love the works of J.R.R. Tolkien

Phrases overused:
1.) "asshat”
2.) “tool/toolbox”
3.) “smoking crack/high”
4.) "Yeeaaahh" (as skepticism)
5.) "[insert curse word here]"
6.) "Noooo!" (in amazement, not anger)
7.) “poster child for [insert dysfunctional state of existence here]”

Celebrity crushes:
1.) Colin Mochrie (yeah, that’d be the balding middle-aged Scottish-Canadian improv comedian)
2.) um, that’s pretty much it, sorry, although I have been known to get through a long/boring movie by figuring out which actor in any given scene I might have sex with (hint: no Scientologists need apply). This also applies to random TV shows that I find myself sucked into. Wouldn’t dignify that with the name “crush” though.

Nothing wrong with Colin, and I doubt you'll have trouble (eventually) fulfilling that final item on your "to do" list. Excellent! Now we just need the others to pipe up...
Well, his wife might think there's something wrong with that! But I just think he's completely adorable. Whose Line was my favorite show when it was on ABC.

As for the other 6 spots, well, I'm 35 years old and there are a ton of cute 25-year-olds but I'd feel like a child molester if I thought for more than five seconds about hooking up with any of them. So, sorry to disappoint on the last question. I know it's a bit weaselly. Many of your choices were cool, though (Eddie Izzard and Trent Reznor in particular). Maybe I should give it more thought and get back to you later.
It's weird getting older, isn't it? I look at the sex symbols of today and think, "they're kids"!:)

Your fascination with Colin is fully justified, BTW.
Stand Up comedy's hard to do in the first place--and even harder to do in such a way that it is entertaining! Colin is hysterical--he's obviously bright and therefore, how could you possibly resist him?

I've heard promises from Starfish she'll do the challenge soon. Let's hope she gets around to it!
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