Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Meanwhile, here in Columbus

Teaching has been wonderful to me. Substituting is much more difficult than some may imagine, as every day I must slide into a new classroom, usually in a different school and subject than the day before. Yesterday was a regular stint for me, as this particular English / Reading teacher gives me all of her time off. The students were thrilled to see me, not as thrilled to settle in to work. They know me well enough to know when they've pushed too many buttons. Today I'm in a fifth grade Special Education classroom that has never had a substitute before. Fortunately, the two aides are doing a lot of prompting so I can figure out what's going on. Tomorrow is another high school, this time teaching business. At least I'm rarely bored.

I have most of the paperwork done in order to move my permanent teaching certificate to Ohio. The one thing that is holding me up is the results of the FBI background check. Considering I wrote about getting my fingerprints in my first entry here, this has been a long wait! I'm really hoping to get things done so I can add my information to REAP, the main web site for teaching applications. There must be a job somewhere that I can tackle full time.

On the home front, it has been a difficult week for us. Pros' grandmother passed away last night after a long illness. One of our fish, a beautiful golden one I had named Lucy, passed away after a brief one. My grandmother is being placed in long term care because she can no longer feed herself and my grandfather is not able to care for her by himself. Pros and I have both been fighting down various minor illness and are exhausted. Last night, I was up until after 2am with depression and panic over having to choose between taking care of Pros' family at the funeral or my own after Grampa comes home alone from the nursing home.

My Dandelionfiles friends, can we find a time, perhaps next month, when we can all meet? I could use a couple of friendly faces.

Please give my love to Pros--his grandmother was pretty cool. I'm also to hear about your grandmother's problems as well...

October was much crueler than usual for all of us! I usually love October, but this year the nasty side of the trickster took hold. I'm thinking we are all due out for "treats" soon.

I was thinking we should all plan a private dandelion party of sorts, especially since I ended up cancelling the Halloween celebration because of illness (ick). I'll see what I can do.

Hope to hear from you soon!

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