Friday, December 30, 2005

Holliday Quiz!

1.) You believe Santa is:
a.) A demon from Hell who actually tries to eat children and poses as someone who is kind and generous so he can get more prey
b.) A good tradition which helps you clear out that pesky bank oaccount that was too full to keep track of anyway
c.) Who's Santa?
d.) An evil conspiracy!

2.) You like to celebrate the holiday season by:
a.) Following a strange set of traditions outlined by a writer of Seinfeld in which you have a pole erected in your house and exchange grievances, at the end of which you wrestle the head of the houshold down to the floor.
b.) giving gifts, sending letters and cards, making fattening baked goods to share, giving lots of hugs and encouragement, making lots of calls to loved ones and trying to visit them as much as possible, travelling as much as you can to see friends, and generally having a really good time.
c.) Celebrate? It's a day like any other.
d.) Making sure your locks are working and in order, checking your weaponry, and sitting by your chimney in case some idiot wearing a red suit tries to break into your fortress

3.) Your idea of ideal holliday reading is:
a.) "I'm OK, you're a Dickhead" by some author whose name I cannot recall. Also, any of the Susan Forward books are fair game for reviewing! Make sure to also check out Alice Miller's work to help get your resentment brewing and check the news so you can get REALLY mad about how the government is dealing with the world around you.
b.) Anything is fair game--but Christopher Moore's The Stupidest Angel should now be considered a classic!
c.) Read? Who has time to read? Oh, if I have to I'll get something off the Bestseller list to ignore.
d.) The Anarchist's Bible by Powell

4.) Snow makes everyone around you:
a.) Curse like sailors. Damn nature and her attempts to make a pretty landscape.
b.) OK, it's pretty, but is it dangerous to drive? Is this an excuse to curl up with my hubby, make wild love, and drink spicy apple cider? Are the neighbors up for a snowfight? Cool. Besides, can't shovelling make my arms stronger?
c.) Yep, better get on the road so I can slip slide around and play bumper cars. It's imperative I leave the house RIGHT NOW so I can get more Jiffy Pop before they sell out again.
d.) A great cover to fool your enemies has just been provided! Yay!


a.) If you answered a, you watch too much damned television for your own good. Even your perceptions of Santa have been clouded by an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Enya explains the dangers of Santa in one of them). It's time to join the world again before somebody actutally starts exchanging grievances with you and you start taking Oprah and Jerry Springer too seriously for your own good. Disconnect the television and make yourself go outside so I can throw a snowball at you. It'll make your skin glow, honest.

b.) You're like me and most folk I know. Let's party!

c.) Is the word "fun" in your vocabulary? Geez. If nothing else celebrate the fact that the days are no longer getting shorter, meaning that you won't feel as depressed because you'll get more sunlight. Wanna join our neighborhood snowball fight?

d.) OK, stay in your bunker. You scare me. Seriously, don't leave your house no matter what--I've heard that the Abomnible Snowman has a contract on you.

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