Friday, January 13, 2006


Success--Slacker Style!

For those of you who either lack ambition or simply wish to avoid all that hard work associated with success, here is a helpful tip:

"Google" your own name. Somebody with your name is bound to be more successful than you. You can happily pretend that person's successes are your own! Ha!

Unfortunately, there is a danger with this methodology. Under my maiden name, I found that while some Julie's were admirable, one was a member of a scary cult I've despised since I lost a friend to it. Feel free to ignore your less successful namesakes or take any necessary measures to distance yourself from them.

Sadly, my maiden name is so common that the only way I can find my own accomplishments is to put things like "psychology" or the university I went to, etc, to find myself. But ah, well--at least I didn't find any illicit pictures I didn't pose for or anything, so all is good.

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