Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Explain this to me

Okay, I've been married now for 5 years. Before I got married, I had no interest at all in sports. Since I have been married, I have, with considerable effort, been trying to learn hockey and baseball for the sake of watching them with my sports enthusiast husband. All give and take, right?

But when he turns on wrestling I have to leave the room. Why? Because I can't keep my mouth shut, and most of what I say consists of snide comments about the sport.

Why, why, why do people find this sport so interesting? What is fun about watching people beating the crap out of one another? I just don't understand. You can give me all that about it's a man thing, and deep down it's human nature.. it still makes no sense to me.

What really confuses me is the fact that it isn't even real. I've had PLENTY of wrestling fans tell me "It is too real!" Well, I type medical reports for a living. If ANYONE got hit in the face with a metal folded chair, he'd have a broken nose. If he got hit in the back of the head, he'd wind up with a subdural hematoma. I've done ER reports on people who fractured their spine with a simple fall off of a step or two.. and you're trying to tell me these guys get thrown from the ring onto a HARD floor FLAT ON THE BACK and get right back up again? What are they, made of rubber?

I really really tried to watch it with him, but to me, it's a male soap opera, and it just disgusts me.. I can't even laugh at it. I don't think I'll ever understand it at all, or understand why people like it.

Hey, lady--thanks for posting again! It's good to see your byline.

I've teased Tony for YEARS about how men and women aren't as different as they think they are. Women are known for soap operas, but once you watch sports such as WWF wrestling, etc., and watch as the "drama queens" start explaining the emotions of the competitors, you realize the only difference between fighting in a ring or in a soap opera is the costumes and plastic surgical proceedures.

It's real THEATER:). You have all of our sympathy, anyone who loves the other half of the human race understands all too well how funny the so-called divide between what is "male" and what is "female" is a lot more imaginary than real.

Try to be sympathetic--you know how dangerous it is to get a soap opera fanatic away from her fix:).

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