Sunday, March 05, 2006


Have vs have not school district

On Friday, I subbed in two separate school districts. I was able to do this because one school hasn't passed its levy in six years, meaning they have no money to build the additional facilities needed to contain all the students. Because of this, kids have to attend school in 3 shifts from 6:50 am to 6:20pm. The other is extremely wealthy, passes all its levies, and gets a LOT of donations from the wealthy families in the area.

Guess where I had the better time during the day? Hint: It wasn't where the kids wrinkled their noses at the scuffs on my shoes, laughed at my Philly accent and called me a "temp". I'd rather teach where I'm appreciated. Hell, the last class of the day turned into a concert, the kids were in such a good mood to have a teacher who didn't treat them like vermin. Fun!

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