Wednesday, July 12, 2006


The work situation

Let's face it, my dear Dandelions. There is no teaching work in this part of the state because of a combination of terrible funding and declining enrollment (probably caused by said terrible funding). That being said, I'm suddenly finding myself employed outside of my intended field. I'm working for Pros' mom! I'm told that the majority of people in my husband's life eventually work his mother. In this case, it's a good fit because I'm desperate for work and she's desperate for semi-skilled labor. Granted, I'm not actually an accountant and much of this work eludes me intellectually, but I have an office with a huge window and enough down time that I can catch up on my blogging!

Oh, and for those who know Mama Cantata personally (ie Lynx), she's doing really well after her surgery but still has a few months of icky stuff ahead of her before she's 100% in the clear. She's also decided to make me a part of her family, which is more important than any job could be.

Really need to finish the wedding blogging on my own site!

The teaching thing will pick up. Pros is right, this stuff goes in cycles. If you went ahead and got your MA (and yes, I think you'd ROCK as a Spec.Ed instructor) you'd be in a prime position once positions become more readily available.

In the meantime, Pros' mom is a wonderful employer! I adore her and am so glad that the health stuff got caught in time--the world would be lessened if she didn't get a chance to live another thirty years. Please, please give her my love.

This is getting too wordy. The big point is this: I BELIEVE IN YOU, you WILL perservere, and don't let the turkeys get you down.
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