Monday, December 25, 2006


Dandelion Challenge--Due Date the New Year!

It's time to issue another challenge to the writers on the Dandelions site. In honor of the Solstice, X-mas, Hanukkah, and all other hollidays we celebrate this time of year, I say it's time to honor an old Victorian tradition and polish our writing skills at the same time.

The Victorians believed that the time between Halloween and Christmas was significant because they felt that the border between the living and the dead was at its thinnest. For this reason, it was actually more traditional to tell ghost stories on Christmas Eve than Reindeer tales.

The challenge, therefore, is this: Write a post (not too long, of course--1,000 words or less, OK?) in which you depict a tale of horror fit to celebrate the shortest days of the year.

Promise, it'll make you feel good!


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